Monday, August 23, 2010

Hi everybody!!! We are still alive...sorry I haven't done any blog for a long time. So many things happened and we have been so BUSY!!! I got 2 jobs!!! :) I'm working for Pampered Chef - YEA!!! I love it and if any of you want to order anything - let me know!! :) Soon, I'll have my own website - I'll let you know when I get it. Also I teach sign language to a 3 years old boy 2 days every week and nanny 2 hours every day too. And of course I still do cook, cleaning, run errands and more everyday. I am enjoying being married! :) I love it!!! Can't you tell I'm busy?! C.J. and I have been enjoying our summer doing camping out, VBS, shopping, catching up with stuff, friends weddings, crabbing, vacations, yardsaling and many more!!! Sorry no pictures this time - something is wrong with my camera :( hopefully sometime soon, I'll post some pictures!!!! Hope you all are enjoying your summer! We love and miss you all!!!1


  1. Good to hear you are still alive! Sounds like you are busy. Looking forward to future posts...

  2. Heeellllloooooo! Can't wait to see pictures from your busy summer. Miss you and can't wait to see you in Nov!!! :-)

    Love ya!
